My Scrapbook Layouts

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Hall of Mirrors

Once a week, on a Friday after school, and depending on wether Elly has completed most of her school tasks (she usually has and if she hasn't I sometimes turn a blind eye, but shhhh, don't let the cat out of the bag.....) we do something a little special, something we don't always get the chance to do. It can be anything and it doesn't have to cost anything either. It just has to be something cool, fun, enjoyable and most of all, it has to be Elly's choice.

Last week finished on a high note. Elly had a fantastic week at school earning herself stickers and Head Teacher awards all over the show. She tried really hard to concentrate,not an easy task for our Elly.... lol.... and she did fantastic. As a special treat, I took her for a walk up to our sea front and the pier where we dined out on the finest McDonalds had to offer. On the walk home home we stopped off at the Hall of Mirrors.

I'm never eating Mc's again, did you see how much weight we gained???

Anyway, Elly loved it. Here's the movie.....

Will be back soon with more movies and pics. Until then, tootlepip old things
Boo xx

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